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Decision making.

A community-led library of decision making models, techniques and playbooks for deciding how to decide.

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Building Competitive Power

Competition and Strategic Decisions - Part 2

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October 15, 2024

“For the first time [in 35 years] there is a word on which everybody (IT, data specialists, process experts, AI engineers, business people, subject-matter experts and even executives) agrees and has an almost similar definition… that word is decision”

Erick Brethenoux
AI, Data Science & Decision Intelligence Research Director at Gartner.

“What makes a decision great is not that it has a great outcome. A great decision is the result of a good process”

Annie Duke
Author of How to Decide and Quit

“A wise leader does not see herself as someone who simply makes sound decisions; ... she views herself as a decision architect in charge of designing her organization’s decision-making processes.”

Olivier Sibony
Author of Noise and You're About to Make a Terrible Mistake

“Recognizing our shortcomings is a crucial first step on the path to making better decisions, creating better societies, and fixing our institutions.”

Dan Ariely
Professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University

“As we’ve worked with organizations seeking to become more agile, we’ve found that it’s possible to accelerate the improvement of decision making through the simple steps of categorizing the type of decision that’s being made and tailoring your approach accordingly”


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What is the right amount of 'Strategic Ambiguity'?

May 2, 2023

We often think that strategic clarity helps make a strategy more effective but it may keep people from believing in it. Strategic ambiguity is a concept that points to people needing a bit of ambiguity in the communication of a strategy. This thread talks about the benefits of strategic ambiguity and some “smells” that your strategy is too specific.

The role of conviction and narrative in decision making

March 17, 2023

Conviction as a superpower, why we tend to be overly optimistic, and how outcome trees help us map potential outcomes

Exploring goal setting and OKRs through the lens of decision making

March 10, 2023

Exploring how goals help teams make better decisions, strategic misrepresentation, and the power of 'Even Over' statements

How 'collective illusions' influence decision making

March 2, 2023

There's quite a bit we can learn from parallels to research on social norms and how culture develops - this thread explores a piece of that 👉

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Decision Making

February 24, 2023

With artificial intelligence tools 'going mainstream', we see a flood of conversations that say something like "will AI replace [role]?". This is exploring the difference in humans and machines from the perspective of decision making.


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