
Bikeshedding, also known as the "law of triviality," refers to the tendency for people to disproportionately focus on minor or inconsequential details while neglecting more important issues. This phenomenon often occurs in group decision-making contexts, where people may be more likely to become engrossed in discussions about minor details, rather than focusing on the larger, more important issues at hand.

One of the key ways in which bikeshedding manifests is through the allocation of disproportionate amounts of time and resources to relatively minor issues, while more significant matters are neglected or given less attention. This can lead to a situation where a disproportionate amount of effort is spent on low-impact tasks, while more important tasks or goals are overlooked or under-resourced.

Bikeshedding can also lead to a lack of focus and direction in decision-making processes, as people become bogged down in discussions about minor details and lose sight of the bigger picture. This can result in a lack of progress or effective decision-making, as the group becomes bogged down in discussions about unimportant issues.

The phenomenon of bikeshedding can have significant consequences, as it can lead to a misallocation of resources and a lack of focus on important issues. In addition, it can lead to frustration and resentment among group members, as people may feel that their time and efforts are being wasted on trivial matters.

Read more:

What Is Bikeshedding And Why It Matters In Business

Bikeshedding - The Decision Lab

bikeshedding - Wiktionary