Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue refers to the phenomenon of experiencing a decline in mental energy and decision-making ability after making a series of decisions. This can occur when people are faced with a large number of choices or decisions, and can lead to poor or suboptimal decision-making.

One of the key ways in which decision fatigue manifests is through a decline in decision-making ability. As people make more and more decisions, they may find it increasingly difficult to make informed and rational choices, and may become more prone to biases or errors. This can be influenced by a number of factors, such as the complexity of the decisions, the availability of information, and the emotional stakes involved.

Decision fatigue can also affect the level of satisfaction people experience with their decisions. As people make more and more decisions, they may become less satisfied with their choices, even if those choices are objectively good ones. This can be influenced by a sense of regret or self-doubt about the decisions made, as well as a feeling of overwhelm or exhaustion from the decision-making process.

The phenomenon of decision fatigue can have significant consequences, as it can lead to poor or suboptimal decision-making and a lack of satisfaction with the choices made. In addition, it can contribute to a sense of overwhelm or anxiety, as people may feel overwhelmed by the number of decisions they have to make.

Read more:

Decision fatigue: Effects, causes, signs, and how to combat it

Understanding Decision Fatigue - Healthline

What Is Decision Fatigue? Definition and Examples - ThoughtCo

Decision Fatigue: What It Is and How to Avoid It - WSU Online MBA

Decision fatigue - Wikipedia