Leaders of a context bring with them a complex set of pre-existing views and opinions of the world around them. These views shape how we imagine the many possible futures, and are built from a lifetime of sense-making. In each leader, these beliefs form a perspective that they bring to decision making. To collaborate effectively, we need to bring these beliefs to the surface, and work to shift the activity of sense-making from the individual to the collaborative group.
Start by surfacing beliefs in areas like these:
- What are the biggest challenges or obstacles (e.g. reasons for underperformance) right now?
- What are the most critical trends (e.g. changes in the external environment) that may present a future challenge?
- What are the biggest competitive threats to success?
Example Syntax:
“We believe that <some opinion about the world around you> is true. We could start to challenge this belief if <this were observed> by <date>.”
For more:
- "Belief Challenging", The Uncertainty Project.
- "Trip-wires", The Uncertainty Project.
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