Within the scope of a context, there will be many difficult choices to make, to create a strategic vision, and then invest the budget to drive change. In most context settings (i.e. domains) there are classic trade-offs that force decisions to emphasize one thing at the expense of the other. When the choices for these trade-offs are explicit, visible, and consistently applied, a strategy can get added leverage that supports differentiation. Context leaders seek to identify the most relevant classic tradeoffs that will influence their strategic choices, and then capture their position to guide the strategic decision making that follows.
Example Syntax:
"While we value both <a good thing on one side of the tradeoff> and <another good thing on the other side of the tradeoff,> for the next <time period> we prefer <this thing> even over <that thing>."
For more:
- "Even-Over Statements", The Uncertainty Project.
- "Eliminate Strategic Overload", Felix Oberholzer-Gee (2021). (Value Maps)
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